Monday 14 April 2008

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Should be banned

Plastic garden furniture - you know the sort I mean, comes in green or white. Cheap, yes but also nasty.

Monday 7 April 2008

Snow fun at all

Amazing - it's April and we have had snow, more snow than I remember in a long time in London. I woke up to that eerie white blue light and realised that it had snowed and was still snowing. Usually London has its own microclimate and it never really sticks. Bizarrely on Friday it was so hot and felt really late spring like. Just goes to show how topsy turvy the weather can be, global warming or no global warming (don't get me started!). And do you know what, it is our delight in the changing unpredictable weather that makes us so English!
I heard on the radio the other day, when they were talking about Sarkozy's visit to the UK, that the French don't really make small talk. Well, you can harangue the English for being generally lazy when it comes to language, but that's obviously one language we are excellent at. And I believe that is mainly thanks to the weather!!
They are called April showers .. we just didn't expect them to be of snow! :)
(Shame there wasn't enough snow to make a 50ft snowman for me!)