Sunday 26 September 2010

The Union Tour - 26/09/10 Sheffield O2 Academy

Thankfully there is no hangover. There are also no petrol station sandwiches, as it's only a short drive to the gig. Of course, stupidly, this means I forget to eat again. Which is a bit stupid seeing as the get in for the Academy is laughable and a bit like the Krypton Factor Assault Course. It's one of those, up a ramp, 2 steps, a short walk, another couple of steps, another bit of concrete, up some steps into the venue and ... stick to the carpet. I've been in some clubs and pubs, but this is THE stickiest carpet (puts on Jeremy Clarkson voice) ... in the world.

It's also one of the weirdest trips to the dressing room - like something out of Spinal Tap - or some low budget horror film. The guys get moved to the larger dressing rooms in the venue downstairs, which strangely you can see from the Academy 2. Don't know why it's weird, but it just is, particularly since The Union just seem like they are squeezed onto stages the size of the Academy 2 - and should naturally be playing stages the size of the Academy, if not larger ...

The merch stand is in the venue this time, so I have lovely view of the stage, (and get to take my first pictures, and tweet my first tweets during the sho.) however it is at this point I realise I am way too much of a perfectionist and spend WAY too long finding ways to make the merch look pretty. Thankfully, lovely Sue Moffat, wife of Marty, the camera genius brings new printed prices to jazz up the display. Marvellous. And, because I am a total nerd, I take yet another picture of the stand. Why, I have no idea, it doesn't look super duper but it makes me happy! (doesn't take a lot!)

Nerdsville, Sheffield - note snazzy new signs a lá Moffat!
Outside the gig are two massive tour buses, who appear to be just waiting. With the amount of gear they must have, I have some smugness when our get out is done. Yeah, it's a bitch, but it's a relatively small gear load. Plus the procurement of what looks a bit like a bread trolley really helps with all the amps and cabs, once we have unstuck ourselves from the carpet.

We also say goodbye to the lovely Whybirds who have supported for the last 3 gigs.


In the van on the way back, we decide that the alternative ending of Paranormal Activity needs to be watched tomorrow. More on that later ...

Thankfully, the hotel does have a bar and it opens for us .... *the rest of this blog has been removed due to the over 2 glasses of wine limit* :D

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