Monday 27 September 2010

The Union Tour - 27/09/10 Manchester Ruby Lounge

It's not a long drive from Sheffield to Manchester, not long at all in fact. But it's long enough for us to watch the alternative ending to Paranormal Activity. You would think, after seeing the film the first time, that this would not be a particularly scary thing - surely we know what's coming? Ooooh no. No no no. For some reason, though  original ending is by far the best, the anticipation of this ending, and what might happen is twice as bad. Again, I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it, but it's just as disturbing. I seem to remember we even watched the alternative ending with all the curtains drawn, bunch of wusses that we are!

And so the trip to Manchester Ruby Lounge SHOULD be simple. And it probably would have been if pretty much the whole of Manchester City Centre hadn't turned into a film set. And a MASSIVE film set at that. If anyone knows what was being filmed we would love to know. I think it was some period thing as I spotted a few classic cars - 40s era I think. We know from the satnav WHERE the venue is, but getting there is another matter.

Frazzled, and late, but finally there, we are welcomed with a round of tea and coffees. I could get used to THIS! When I discover that the merch is to be positioned in what appears to be its own lounge area, complete with a squishy leather sofas, a chandelier and statement wallpaper I start mentally moving in. However, putting Union T-shirts on said wallpaper could be quite distracting - plus as it's freshers week we have yet another club starting after the gig. (Hmmm - may need lights). Thankfully, as we are slap bang in the centre of Manchester, it's a short trot across the road to the Arndale Centre.

Now, when I first moved down to London, it seemed every 'house' shop worth its salt sold cheap as chips clip on spotlights. Oh, no now - people must have moved on to LED posh spotlights, or Halogen IKEA jobbies. There is nothing resembling a clip-on spotlight of any size, shape or form to be had ANYWHERE in the Arndale Centre. However, I spot a washing line which just might be the other solution for the T-shirts. This decision proves to be one of the best on the tour, and the washing line proves a hit for pretty much each venue! Much easier than trying to pin T-shirts on walls or gaffa tape them on. This merch lark is an art form I'll have you know!

The merch lounge!

My return to 'my merchandise lounge' is also met by an old acquaintance - Jamie from Mexicolas, who I met when he was in Lucan and supporting Thunder. I just have to point out  - he makes excellent tea. His band, and The Crave who are also supporting tonight are both corking, and it is a fantastic line-up tonight.

Once again I nearly forget to eat  and have to have a hasty 'Union picnic'. This consists of grabbing a sandwich while the band are on, under the impression that everyone will be watching the band instead of me. I can't see the band from where I am, in my comfy snug lounge. You can't have everything I suppose. I then amuse myself by drumming along to Dave. I know all the songs now so am quite lost in my drumming and enjoying myself immensely. It's only afterwards that someone says they nearly filmed me (a sure fire YouTube classic, god forbid) that I realise I am not actually invisible. I sit on my hands from now on!

After the gig we are all a bit jaded, not helped by the firmly shut hotel bar on our return. It's not the nicest of hotels, so we all agree on *gasp* an early night, as we have a long drive tomorrow to Edinburgh.

It's also at this point I start feeling a bit rough. Oh-oh, not a tour cold .. no please. I know it's coming, as I don't even want a last cup of tea. Definitely ill. This is not good. I have some singing coming up .... :(

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